What a boring Wednesday, so far! In all reality, anything up until I get my final orders to get out of Germany is going to be boring, as far as work goes. Which we are still waiting on, obviously. We got our paperwork back from our Doctor stating that I must be in the DC area before the 9th of April, so yay! Now the army just needs to hurry up.. Hopefully they take this situation as serious as possible.
I mean, of course if they don’t hurry up, I’ll be leaving regardless with MEDEVAC procedures. I’d just rather not.
It’s kind of scary to know that in a few weeks I could be leaving Brandon to do everything here by himself. I’m really nervous about being somewhere new without him, too. That is something I’m sure can be handled though. I’m sure that my welcoming unit will be supportive of what’s going on. The last thing I need right now is to be stressed, I know. I’m usually pretty good with dealing with stress but moving from one country to another is not going to be easy. It’s possible but I just have to remember to maintain my serenity.
I’m realizing that this is not going to be easy. Well, I knew that already but I realized that all the posts we could possibly be stationed at are 40-50 minutes away from the Hospital we are being directed to. That’s without traffic. Supposedly it gets close to 1 ½ to 2 hours with traffic. So imagine the gas money and the time we’ll be spending. Time, I’m not really worried about but money – well we’re trying to save it right now.
The main thing I am focused on is of course my son and my daughter. I love them so much! I can’t wait to meet them! They are definitely putting up a fight against my stomach. It’s just not going to stop growing, I’ve accepted that. I just hope with them being twins they are okay with room and I hope they aren’t born SUPER early to the point where operation is out of the question or they can’t handle it… anything is possible. Still, I’m keeping my head up and thinking more positive thoughts. I just feel like posting/ writing/ getting it out of my system makes me feel a little better about the whole situation.
I’ve considered getting a green ribbon tattoo with their birth date on it but maybe that’s too cheesy. Hahaha. Who knows… All I know is I can’t wait to get another ultrasound for some type of status update!
And before it slips my mind, like everything else does – thank you to all of our friends and family who are providing extra support for our family! It means a lot to us. It’s because of you guys my hope does not fall short. (:
More to come soon!